Free and Confidential Women’s Center

PATH -Pam’s Story

In 1994 I was in an abusive relationship. I had a 7-month-old little girl and found out that I was pregnant again. I was scared and didn’t know what to do. I knew abortion was wrong — but how could I bring another child into the mess that was already my life? 

So, I chose abortion as my way out and to make my life easier.  I didn’t tell my boyfriend at the time that I was pregnant or that I was having an abortion. My boss drove me to the local OBGYN the morning of my appointment and the nurse walked me downstairs to where they do ultrasounds. I put on a gown, and they gave me some meds which they said would make me weepy … and boy, were they right! I cried the whole time. After it was over I went home, rested, and went on with my life. 

Now to the redemption story:

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is in January and the director of our local pregnancy center (Care Net, at that time) came to my church and spoke about the center and all that it does for the women of our community. At the end of her presentation, she presented the need for center volunteers, and I felt a nudge from God saying, “You can do this.” I was very apprehensive about it because of my past abortion experience. 

Despite my apprehensions, I filled out a volunteer application and went to meet with the director. During our meeting, I found out that to be a volunteer at the center I needed to go through a Bible study about abortion called Forgiven and Set Free. I needed my own healing before I could talk with other women who were abortion minded or had previously experienced an abortion. 

I was scared and nervous to tell my story. Revealing my “secret” was something I did not want to do. The other women in the group were loving and supporting. Sharing their own stories helped me to share my own. 

I knew I was forgiven for my choice to have an abortion; however, whenever the topic of abortion was brought up in my church, I felt shame and judgement, even though no one knew about my abortion. 

The Bible study showed me that not only am I forgiven from my choice to have an abortion, but that there is also redemption. I ended that study feeling no more shame and judgment, like a weight that I carried for a very long time had been lifted. 

God has opened the door for me to facilitate our Post Abortion Teaching and Healing ministry (PATH) at Branches. I am beyond blessed and thankful for God’s forgiveness and His never ending, redeeming love for me.

Pamela Pennell

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